"They don't do anything, they just want to play." Is Mama serious? Dogs are loud and wild and bark like mad. And they sniff at strange things all the time. Dogs are just scary to Selma! "You just have to put yourself in their shoes." All right, Selma thinks, the poodle over there is really cute. With that one I'll switch ... Because Selma is a special girl, she switches with things! She becomes the dog. And the dog becomes Selma. How exciting it is to see the world through dog eyes! But stop: Why does this strange little grandma suddenly pull at her? And where does her mom want to go with that poodle?!

Award winning author Martin Baltscheit and illustrator Anne Becker tell a story with a lot of wit, verve and empathy about the importance of being curious, confronting fears and exploring new things in order to grow in our often contradictory world.

"Ein toller Kindercomic für Leser*innen ab 6 Jahren. Anne Beckers knubbeliger Cartoonstil passt bestens zu Martin Baltscheits subtilem Humor und begeistert vor allem, wenn sie mit nur wenigen Strichen allzu menschliche Gesichtsmimik auf Princessas/Selmas Pudelgesicht spielen lässt." - Franca Feil, 1001 BUCH | Magazin für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur
Age: 6+ ISBN 978-3-948690-03-8
88 pages, 17 × 23 cm, Hardcover
15,– €